Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #1 Mayflower Compact/Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact? 
A) Members of the Mayflower are settling in the new colonies in the name of their home countries. They choose to be a government that agrees to the majority of the people so as no select few people gain too much power.

2) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?
A) The Mayflower Compact reflects the Old World because they are settling in the name of their countries and King James of England. The New World is reflected by their new concept of government. They chose to be governed through the will of the majority rather than the monarchial rule they came from.

3) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?
A) The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut explicitly layed out the laws of the government style they would follow. The Mayflower Contract simply stated that they would colonize the land in the name of the king, and follow a government run by the people.

4) What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to the government? (written constitution)
A) The threat of one person gaining too much power influenced the colonists to create a constitution. Many settlers had recently come from a place where they were discriminated against due to the opinion of one leader. The colonists did not want to be forced to take part in a law in which most of them did not support.

5) In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?
A)The constitution demanded that a representative be chosen every year, without one serving more than a year. This guarantees that one individual does not remain in power for too long. Additionally, any decision that affects the public must be discussed with a general council first, preventing one individual from ruling the public alone.

Composing the Constitution of the United States

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