Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #2 Peter Zenger

1)Who was John Peter Zenger?
A) A German immigrant who published the New York Weekly Journal. This publication spoke harshly about the royal government, claiming that he swayed elections and allowed the French (an enemy) to roam about the harbor.

2)What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.
A) Zenger never denied printing the journal. However, Hamilton argued that he should be free to do so, rather than denying that Zenger ever printed it. He claimed it was a battle for liberty rather than a case about a poor printer.

3) What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?
A) This case influenced American governmental tradition by convincing the founders of the government that the freedom to print any opinion was vital, as this right was not available under royal rule. This influenced the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights.

4) What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.
A) This trial was significance because it argued censorship in the British government. This showed the founders of the American government that in a truly free country, freedom of the press is significant. Additionally, the trial brought on great support for freedom of press and led to more opposition to royal rule.

Plessy v Ferguson, a significant trial that questioned racial segregation and led to greater freedom of African Americans, similar to how Peter Zenger's trial led to freedom of the press

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