Sunday, October 2, 2016

LAD #7 Washington's Farewell Address

Image result for washingtons farewell address
In his Farewell Address, Washington informs United States citizens that he will not be running for President again. He expressed hope that the public would elect another qualified man to take his place as President. He expressed thankfulness for all that America had given him and gave parting advice. He stressed that a unified government was responsible for the protection of liberty, people, peace, and prosperity, as well as emphasizing that when all sections of the country work together, great things can be achieved. He also warned against competing political parties that could divide the country and lead to the oppression of a single group. Religion and morality is necessary in leading a successful country. Finally, he said that alliances with foreign powers could be beneficial, but to be careful because other foreign powers influence could be disastrous.

Image result for 22nd amendmentThe 22nd Amendment restricts the President to 2 terms in office. This was created in example of Washington's 2 terms, to prevent one man from having power for too long.

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