Sunday, October 16, 2016

LAD#9 Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

Image result for thomas jefferson

In Thomas Jefferson's INaugural address, all minds were focused on the rivalry between the Federalist Party and the Republican, or Anti-Federalist Party. Surprisingly, Jefferson, rather than insulting the Federalists, commended the fact that the differences in opinion of the two parties were allowed to be shared freely, regardless of confrontations. This settled the Federalists, as they were upset about losing power in the government. In the address, Jefferson spoke about how good, strong government would protect the people from injustics, and uphold the freedom of the persuit of happiness. Additionally, he promised that property of United States citizens would never be unjustly taken, and that equal and exact justice will be given to all men. In terms of foreign policy, he spoke of peaceful and honest relations with other countries, and, like Washington, talked about not being involved in entangling alliances.

Image result for barack obama inaugural addressLike Jefferson, Obama discussed important issues of the nation and his plans to fix the problems. Additionally, he payed respects to his competing candidate.

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