Monday, November 14, 2016

LAD#13 Calhoun's Speech

Image result for john calhoun

In Calhoun's speech, he discusses the dangers of the union, first of how it can be preserved, and then of the causes of the endangerment. The first cause Calhoun discusses is the encroachment of the North into the Federal government. This was to the point that the North had control of Congress and the overal government. This was more than the preconcieved notion that it was merely political factions. Northern involvement in government meant that the South had very little say, and had unfair disadvantages to the North. Finally, the South rely heavily on slavery, while the North generally opposes the practice. In summary, Calhoun says that to restore balance, the North should ease up on slavery opposition.

Image result for abe lincolnLike Calhoun, slavery was a big part of Abraham Lincoln's career. However, Lincoln abolished slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation.

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