Sunday, November 20, 2016

LAD#17 Ain't I a Woman

Image result for sojourner truth

In her speech, Sojourner Truth demands questions of the audience to deliver her point. One man had said that women deserve to be carried into carriages and over dirt, but she had never experienced that. Women should be granted good manners but she had never been granted this, but wasn't she a woman? She talked about how she could do the work of any man, and had birthed thirteen children only to see them sold to slavery, but wasn't she a woman? Overall, Truth questions how she could be any different that women everywhere else. Upon closing, she states that if God had created the first woman to be strong enough to turn the world upside down, then women now had to be strong enough to turn it back how it should be, and that men should allow them to do as such.

Image result for elizabeth cady stantonLike Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a women's rights advocate. She, along with Lucretia Mott, helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention, where the Declaration of Rights of Women was drafted.

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